Saturday, May 10, 2008

The No. 1 thing to Lookout for when it comes to Car Auctions

Obviously, there are cars you want and cars you don't want. There are models you're drawn to and models you simply don't like. We all have our preferences. The important thing, when it comes to getting your vehicle at auction, is separating the good cars amongst the group you like from the bad ones. If you're looking for a 4Runner, you should have some idea how to end up with the best 4Runner you can afford at auction. There is one rule for this that overrides all others: Age.

Don't buy a car just because you like the model if it's not the right year. All cars, no matter how well built, have a wear and tear deficit. Eventually, that deficit adds up and someone has to pay for it! Don't let you end up footing someone else's repair bill - someone else who put tons of miles on the car and then shifted the repair bill burden to you by selling it to you!

Aim for 2004 or newer - no matter how much you like that 2002 A4 in red, you should wait for your 2004 or 2007 model - don't get overcome with desire! Practice patience and discipline! Happy hunting!